Alternative Medicine

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Get Rid of Stuffy Nose

Stuffy nose or running nose is common problems that are experienced by everyone and usually many times a year. You might have running nose because of cold, flu or seasonal allergies. Whenever the winter starts, most of the people fall prey from the problem of cough and cold.

Most of us have common notion that stuffy nose is due to thick mucus in the nasal passage. A stuffy nose can be caused by any of illness but it can be generally caused by two problem- bacterial sinusitis and fungal sinusitis.

It may associate with some symptoms but the most irritating one is stuffy nose. Whenever you have stuffy nose you may feel difficulty in breathing and sleeping becomes torture. It may also associate a kind of heaviness feeling in head. As it takes time to go away but you can help you to get rid of this problem by using some simple home remedies.

Here are some effective tips that can help you to relief from running nose and breathe more easily.

  • Try to avoid eating foods that are rich in sugar and carbohydrates, as they aggravate the problem of stuffy nose.

  • Take some cardamom seeds and crush them. Now, put it in the handkerchief. Tie it properly and place it near the pillow it will prove helpful in relieving stuffy nose.

  • Best thing to get rid of stuffy nose is to avoid tobacco and smoking. Cigarette smoking can damage the lining of sinuses and cause swelling in the sinus membranes. Many smokers’ suffer from chronic sinusitis.

  • Saltwater rinses and saline sprays can prove helpful in keeping the mucus thin and thus helpful to get rid of irritants. You can buy many nasal sprays from any of the drug store or you can either make it at home. To make the spray you need to dissolve the ½ teaspoon salt in 2 cup of warm water. Now, use the suction bulb to place the solution in your nose and put some of the warm salt water in cup of your hand and sniff it up. You can do it once with one of your nostril.

  • You can take hot chicken soup when you're suffering from a cold because it gives you the energy and calming feeling to continue on.

  • Put 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. water. Add two pinches of salt. Shake it well and put 2-3 drops into each nostril, it is an effective remedy to get rid of stuffy nose.

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Read about Hair Loss Treatment. Also read about Causes of Hair Loss and Hair Loss Remedies

Long-term Healthcare Insurance – How to Get the Best

A serious illness, injury or disability can affect your emotional balance as well as your financial stability. Problems related to bad health are often unwelcome surprises. Even in a situation where you are prepared for an eventuality, you still feel unequal to facing the task of making financial decisions at such a time. That is why the time to plan for the unexpected is now. It is when you are financially stable and relatively healthy that you should plan for these difficult phases in life.

Although health insurance coverage forms of vital part of your financial stability, it is appalling to see that many people steer clear of these policies. One of the reasons for this is the sheer difficulty in understanding various policies and evaluating their merits.

In simple terms, long term health care insurance simply seeks to reimburse you for any long term medical expenses you incur during the period of your policy. Thus, your policy makes it possible for you to bear only a percentage of your medical expenses. This helps you manage your medical and health care bills without having to take a loan or go bankrupt.

Long-term healthcare insurance coverage pays a daily insured amount in case of:

- The insured losing the ability to take care of themselves due to a medical condition.

- The insured requiring the services of a long-term healthcare facility or medical assistance while staying at home.

Some of the most important features of a good long-term healthcare insurance plan are:

- The freedom to see a specialist without a referral

- A broad coverage limit

- Absence of any internal policy limits

- Manageable deductibles

Long-term healthcare insurance takes care of your financial burden right from the day you start up till the time you need such care. It allows older people to maintain their lifestyle and remain financially independent even in the face of a serious medical setback.

Long-term health coverage can be fairly expensive. That is because the health coverage they provide is fairly wide. Provincial healthcare plans cannot pay for the entire cost of your care. The cost of a private care facility is an example.

In order to help people but the long term health care plan they desire, there are flexible plan choices that can be customized to meet your needs and your budget. You may choose a plan that provides you daily benefits ranging from $10-$300 per day. You may also opt for additional benefits like home care benefit and living adjustment benefit. Another advantage of long-term healthcare insurance is that their premiums are protected from increase for five years.

In order to reap all the benefits of an excellent long-term healthcare insurance policy, it is necessary to buy your policy from an established insurance company.

About the Author:

Long Term Care Insurance - has been assisting consumers in finding quality family health insurance plans online for over 10 years. We work with the top insurers and agents across the country in order to bring you personalized health plan choices.

Heart Diseases

Heart disease is a general term that refers to a variety of acute and chronic medical conditions that affect one or more of the components of the heart. About 2 million of people of America are suffering from heart problems.

Heart is the muscular fist sized organ that lies in the left side of chest cavity. Heart supplies the blood to all parts of body. It continuously pumps blood beating as many 100,000 times a day. A cardiovascular disease is not a single ailment but it is a disorder of heart and circulatory system.

Heart disease can be referred to any kind of problem associated with heart or damage of heart valves, lining, arteries or electrical system. A person can suffer from different kinds of cardiovascular problems at the same time. A person can even born with diseased heart or develop heart disease later. Here are some of the heart diseases mentioned below:

Angina-It is a symptom of myocardial ischemia that usually caused by coronary atherosclerosis. Patient of this disease caused with feeling of pressure in chest and also shortness of breath. It is possible that a patient may sweat while exercising.

Heart failure-heart failure is also called congestive heart failure and on the other hand congestive cardiac failure is a condition which results from any structural and functional cardiac disorder. It impairs the ability of heart to fill with or pump a sufficient amount of blood throughout the body.

Heart murmur- It is a term that is used to describe the sound that the heart makes and when it appears different to normal beating. A heart murmur may possibly indicate Arrhythmias which is heartbeat irregularity or other heart disorder, but some heart murmurs may be normal. Any heart murmur needs prompt professional medical investigation.

Atherosclerosis- It is also known as "hardening of the arteries", and caused by the gradual buildup of fats, cholesterol and other materials in the arteries. The build up causes the artery to narrow and become less flexible. Arteries loose elasticity as a natural part of the aging process. However, poor diet and smoking speed up this process. Diabetes and high blood pressure are also risk factors leading to atherosclerosis.

Hypertension- Hypertension is the condition of having high blood pressure. It is very common and affects around 50 million Americans of which about 30% are not yet diagnosed. Hypertension is an under-diagnosed condition as it causes damage to the body with no symptoms. It has been called a "silent killer" for this reason. Correct diagnosis of the cause of high blood pressure is important. Most cases of chronic hypertension are "primary hypertension" but a number of them are "secondary hypertension" where the rise in blood pressure is caused by another underlying condition. Hypertension during pregnancy is another common special case; it is called gestational hypertension.

About the Author:

Read about Hair Loss Treatment. Also read about Causes of Hair Loss and Hair Loss Remedies

Urinary Tract Infection Cures - the Simplest Way to Treat Your Bladder Infection at Home

Most urinary tract infection cures center around keeping your tract healthy and preventing future attacks. Unfortunately, the traditional way of treating infections, antibiotics, does neither of these. If you have researched urinary tract infection antibiotics, you should know that the medication is only successful 75% of the time.

Fact! About 25% of bladder infection sufferers will redevelop their U.T.I. after using antibiotics.

Why is this? The reason why this form of medication can do more harm than good is because the medication kills the bacteria. The word 'anti' means no and 'biotic' means life. In other words, an antibiotic means 'no life'. This would be the perfect treatment for the infection but your body contains both 'good' and 'bad' bacteria. And as you may have guessed, antibiotics kill both types of bacteria.

But what is the best way to treat your U.T.I.?

A Healthy and Balanced Urinary Tract

The newest medical research validates many natural health remedies. For instance, research everywhere is showing how the whole body functions as one organism. And treatment for your body (or bladder) should adhere to this fact. That is where we get the term 'holistic treatment'.

Unfortunately, many traditional medications do exactly the opposite. In the case of your infection, antibiotics are prescribed for the bladder only and often times do harm to the urinary tract in its entirety.

And that is a reason why all natural health doctors and some doctors are now recommending simple urinary tract infection cures that you can do at home. Here are some of tips many doctors are now recommending to their patients.

Natural Ways to Cure Your Urinary Tract Infection

These 5 tips are a simple way to flush E coli bacteria and prevent future attacks with prevention tips.

1. You should start by supplementing Vitamin C. Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) is a natural way to boost your immune system. Your immunity keeps your body healthy by fighting bacteria, viruses and infections. Since U.T.I.s are usually caused by E coli, taking a quality supplement can help cure and prevent attacks.

2. You should also keep your kidneys healthy because they aid in preventing U.T.I.s. An alfalfa juice concentrate can dramatically improve the kidney's functioning which will rid the body of toxins and increase the flow of urine. Another good tip would be to add cranberry fruit tablets to the concentrate for an extra prevention boost!

3. Another tip our customers have found success is with the dried berries and leaves of bilberry (blueberry) plants. This remedy has been shown to cure and prevent urinary tract infections by acting as an anti-inflammatory.

4. Perhaps one of the most popular herbs is Echinacea. Echinacea is often referred to as the 'wonder drug' of herbs because it is used to treat the common cold, flu and also fights off bladder infections. This herb will strengthen the immune system and fight off most bacterial infections.

5. The best way to cure your infection is to flush the bacteria. We have spent thousands of hours of research on the Urinary Tract Infection Remedy Report which offers a simple and effective step by step remedy to cure yourself at home.

You're 12 Hours Away from a Cure

You may have two options. Buy over-priced antibiotics only to find out that you have a 25% chance of getting another infection. Or use a 100% guaranteed Urinary Tract Infection Remedy that works in 12 hours.

Please take a moment and visit our Urinary Tract Infection Cures website which has helped thousands of sufferers cure

About the Author:
100% Guaranteed! Researched! Natural! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have sold thousands of Urinary Tract Infection Cures with a nearly 100% satisfaction rate. Cure yourself in 12 hours or less!

Gallstones and Dieting- How a Gallstone Removal Diet Can Flush Your Gallstones

Most research shows there's a correlation between gallstones and dieting. And if you understand that most gallstones are composed at cholesterol, you could only imagine that your diet influences your gallstones problem.

The problem with most American diets is that they are conducive to forming gallstones. And the only way to flush and prevent gallstones is by learning some dieting tips that will keep cholesterol flushed out of your body.

And if you begin to take your health serious, you may be able to avoid gallbladder surgery altogether.

Why You Should Keep Your Gallbladder

Fact! Your gallbladder is an organ which has a major function. In longitudinal studies, people who remove their gallbladder are more likely to be diagnosed with bowel or colon cancer.

I am not anti-surgeries, in many cases; gallbladder surgery is the best option for some people. However, gallbladder surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the 21st century. Almost a half a million surgeries are performed every year. And most of the surgeries could have been avoided if people have passed their gallstones naturally.

And all of this is possible with a gallstone removal diet and a simple gallbladder flush.

Pass Your Gallstones with Your Diet

Obviously, since gallstones are mostly composed of cholesterol you should moderate your fat and cholesterol intake. You can do this simply be looking at labels and avoiding all fried foods, fast foods, processed foods, and desserts. Most people eat 30 grams of fat too much! You should aim to eat about 45 grams of fat per day until you pass your stones. The average diet is 60 grams. You should also avoid saturated fats along with Trans fats.

Another tip that will keep cholesterol out of your body is eating fruits and vegetables. Most people think that eating fruits and veggies will help with key nutrients and minerals which is true. However, the most important reason is for its fiber content. Fruits and vegetables contain water soluble fiber which literally flushes the body naturally. We recommend eating about 5-6 per day.

You should also consider starches. Most people enjoy the taste of white breads but it is not good for you. Avoid all enriched foods (like white bread). Start choosing wheat breads with at least 3 grams of dietary fiber. You should eat cereals with at least 4 grams of fiber. Start watching for labels and look for whole grains. These types of starches will help flush cholesterol as well!

And just what should you drink? About 95% of what you drink should be water. Water also acts as a natural flush and keeps cholesterol from forming into stones. By keeping your body hydrated, you may be able to flush a gallstone as well. If you drink milk make sure it is skim and all dairy products should also be fat free. If you drink coffee or soft drinks, they should always be followed with a tall glass of water.

Finally, know that your diet is a lifestyle change and not a weekend change. Most people fall into the trap of thinking that their diet is short term. Make healthy decisions and you will notice a change in how you feel and look. You may also pass your gallstones.

Pass Your Gallstone Tonight

Finally, you should also try a simple gallbladder and liver flush which takes about one day. In most cases, your gallstones will be flushed painlessly. Here is a link to a simple step by step treatment which has helped thousands, Gallstones Remedy Report.

Our remedy is researched based and is 100% satisfaction guaranteed!

About the Author:

Joe Barton offers a simple and 100% guaranteed Gallstone Remedy Report. With a combined 22 years of natural health experience, allow Barton Publishing to help you flush your stones by tomorrow.

Flush Your Gallstones

Friday, July 25, 2008

Alternative Medicine For: Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Menopause

What is Alternative Medicine? The term "Alternative Medicine" is used to describe herbal medicine. People used to consider practices like these out side the mainstream, which is why they got the name ‘Alternative." Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of the standard care. Standard care is what medical Doctors, therapists, allied health professionals, such as registered nurses and health professionals use. Complementary medicine means non-standard treatments that you use along with standard ones

Alternative Medicine is as old as the human race. In the beginning, when man was created, he was given free access to use the "Herbs" that were created by God for food and medicinal use. Eastern countries have long been using traditional methods of treating their health problems and diseases. Oriental countries like: China and India and far east countries like: Egypt and ancient Babylon have all used alternative herbal medicine to treat health problems.

What is Herbal Medicine? "Herbal Medicine" also called Botanicals and. A herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor or therapeutic properties. Herbal medicine products are dietary food, supplements or properties that people take to improve their health. Many herbs have been used for a long time for claimed health benefits. They are sold as tablets, capsules, teas, extracts and fresh or dried. However, some are not effective and some may interact with other drugs you are taking. It is always wise to consult or inform your Doctor about your use of herbal medicine.

Doctors, health professionals and patients in western countries are becoming more receptive to learning and using alternative and herbal medicine to treat and reverse their health problems. As a result, many western medical schools are now teaching alternative treatments, techniques and theories. Some hospitals and Doctors are now supplementing their regular medical care with alternative and herbal techniques and treatments.

Micronutra alternative herbal medicine made by real Doctors has led the way in producing high quality herbal products to help reverse many known chronic diseases. Many people with long term chronic illnesses have been using Micronutra herbal products with amazing results. These products are effective in reversing the root causes of : diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, menopause, fatigue, asthma, arthritis, stress, sex problems in men and women, acid reflux, lupus, allergies, yeast infection, weight loss, cholesterol and immune system. Micronutra herbal medicine has made a difference in the lives of many people. Why not learn more about Micronutra medicine and see if these products can help you in your health problems?

About the Author:
Roy Graneau: freelance writer on herbs, traditonal medicine, herbal supplements, herbal teas ,alternative treatments, tropical plants usage for medicine.

Benefits and Uses of Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine has a number of benefits. It is a practice of consuming a medicine without the use of drugs. This may involve herbal medicines, self-awareness, biofeedback, or acupuncture. With alternative medicines, a person becomes an active participant in techniques involved in the cure. Individuals understand their physical body functions well and understand the way it relates to their health.

Holistic medicine comes under alternative medicine. Nature, as a whole, has an important role in the usage of fruits, herbs, detox, and vitamins for purification, stimulation and healing. Use of such therapies has gained popularity in recent times, since they offer great health benefits to users. Many people are directing their attention toward alternative medicine and natural therapies for prevention of illnesses and solving their day-to-day health-related issues.

Benefits and Usage:

The natural therapies present in alternative medicines are age-old as compared to western form of treatments such as antibiotics and surgeries. According to physicians, most alternative medicine therapies started with clinical impressions or scientific research. The medicines are safe and involve natural substances. One primary objective of alternative medicines is to relieve people from depending largely on drug usage and help them manage their lives naturally. For users' convenience, below given are some ways to use alternative medicines:

1. People following an alternative medicine may do physical exercises such as osteopathy, yoga, infuse physical activity, tai chi, meditation and reflexology. To do these exercises, place the pillow on a surface providing comfort to the body, since these exercises stimulate and manipulate structural balance of the body. In addition, the exercises improve overall bodily functions. Users may practice these exercises for mental, physical, spiritual and emotional benefits.

2. Users may undergo massage therapy, which involves manipulating and rubbing the body tissue for mental and physical relaxation. They may do this either at home or at a massage clinic. When at home, apply massage oils to the neck, forehead, feet and hands.

3. Change the way of thinking. Exercise the mind first, so the body follows it. Meditate for relaxing the mind, thinking positively and clearing stress. Take deep breaths for better healing. Simultaneously, make use of enhanced visualization of objects for forming good thought patterns.

4. For relaxing the body, drink herbal teas. Improvement of bodily functions depends on what people eat and drink, since the same relieves, stimulates and has a healing effect on the body. Consume fresh fruits, vegetables and vitamins daily so that the body gets essential nutrients. Drink ginger tea since it is effective in the cure of nausea and heals the body naturally.

5. Those who wish to develop strong bones and healthy muscles may seek the help of a chiropractor. Chiropractic is a method of treatment that manipulates the body structures, especially the spine to relieve low back pain or even headache or high blood pressure. The chiropractor shows people their pressure points.

6. A simple, yet curable method that comes under alternative therapy is laughter as being the best medicine. People have experienced miraculous changes in certain health disorders due to mere laughing. As such, it is advisable people watch comedy shows on TV. Read magazines and books that promote laughter. Alternately, cleanse the entire body with essential oils, herbs, fruits that have certain therapeutic benefits on the skin. Combine herbs, natural products and fruits together as a remedy to skin disorders.

7. Users may try alternative medicines such as the electromagnetic therapy and biofeedback, which controls body functions such as heart rate, brain activity and blood pressure.

People have turned to using alternative medicine, since it offers multiple health benefits and cures them from long-term ailments in a natural way.

William D Smith

Alternative Medicine - Macronutrients

Origins and History
Food is the basic resource of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that allow our body to do its daily performance. Our ability to eat foods and then extract the proper nutrients is what allows us to gain both energy and the building blocks for our immune system and other bodily functions. To understand human nutrition we must begin with the basics, that is, the building blocks and the chemical structure of food. Some reeducation is useful to help realize that many of the foods that we buy in food stores, fast food chains, and in health food stores may not actually be healthy for the human body. No longer may we overlook terms such as complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, processed foods, refined grains, caffeine ingestion, alcohol consumption, and refined oils..(Macronutrients) Food intake and type have a profound effect on individual health. Although the ingestion of foods may not cause any acute deleterious effects on the health for humans, the long-term effects have been clearly documented in the literature. (Macronutrients)

As we cross the line into the new millennium, physicians and other health care providers need to consider how to effect change in our patients with less emphasis on the use of synthetic drugs and other chemical concoctions. Nutritional literature supports a growing realization that food could have a significant contributory factor in many of our chronic ailments of today, including cancer, collagen vascular diseases, arthritis, and even progressive aging. Our patients are spending billions of dollars on diets like high protein, low carbohydrate, low fat, low protein, Paleolithic, blood typing, zone, starvation, food pyramid, allergic disorder, caloric restriction, and juicing diets. Unfortunately, none of these specialized protocols is universally ideal. Individualized treatment and prescription of the appropriate diet is essential for the improvement for a patient's nutritional status. (Macronutrients)

William D Smith

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Diabetics should look after their feet ( Alternative Medicine )
It is confirmed that the health of diabetic patient’s feet is very important and any injury or bruise, the size of a spot may cause problems right down to the bone and cause gangrene, so diabetics should take care of their feet from shoes to socks and nails to heels. Experts stated at a press conference that for diabetics the most vulnerable organ is their feet. The feet are the organs which are most exposed so when the flow of blood slows at the feet they start to lose sensitivity. An expert claims that even a little bruise might leave the feet more vulnerable to future injuries so diabetics should protect their feet:
”Your feet should be washed every night with warm water, be dried thoroughly and moisturised. After sports and walking, the underside of the feet should be checked with a mirror to ensure there are no bruises. Socks musn’t be too big or too small, musn’t be scrunched up or torn. Shoes should be made from soft leather, with smooth inside and not pointed or tapered at the front. Toe nails should be cut short. Nails should be cut straight across, not rounded.” ( Alternative Medicine )
Experts warn that if diabetic people don’t take these warnings seriously and don’t follow these guidelines they may lose their feet or legs, “treatment is too difficult and lengthy. If injuries don’t heal properly, even a little bruise the size of a spot can reach the bone and become gangrene and can cause loss of toes or whole feet.”
Alternative Medicine

William D Smith

A Look at Alternative Medicine and Conventional Medicine

Alternative medicine and alternative therapies are therapeutic practices, which are currently not considered as an integral part of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is the current mainstream medical system of diagnosis and treatment of disease.

However, an increasing desire for wellness, in response to today's stressful lifestyle and rising incidences of cancer, disease and illness, has led to the rising demand for alternative medicine and therapies. It is true that many people are becoming disenchanted with conventional medicine's drugs and the approach to healing.

What is the difference between conventional medicine and alternative medicine? In general, conventional medicine tends to focus on the disease and employs techniques to treat it. It views the body as a war zone where battles against invading organisms are fought, and won or lost. It focuses more on techniques, technology, chemical reactions that can be measured, statistically proven and documented. Treatment is on the part of the body that is displaying the symptoms of the illness or disease.

On the other hand, alternative medicine tends to be "holistic", where an individual's health is considered as a whole and treatment not just focused on the symptoms. Alternative medicine employ "natural" methods to aid the healing powers of the body to return to a state of health. Treatment is holistic; that is it takes into account every aspect of a patient and not just on the health symptoms that he or she is experiencing.

Contrary to popular belief, alternative medicine has a history longer than conventional medicine. Much of alternative medicine is derived from ancient healing techniques. For instance, the use of herbs is practiced all over the world since a long time ago; whether in India as ayurvedic medicine, in China as traditional Chinese medicine or used as aromatherapy which can be traced back to ancient Egyptian times.

There are a full range of alternative medicine and complementary therapies. They include acupuncture, energy healing, hypnosis, flower essences therapy, EFT, homeopathy, etc - all aimed at restoring the body back to balance and thus helping an individual achieve total wellness.

It would seem that after the above explanations, alternative medicine is superior to conventional medicine. This will not be an accurate view for all health situations.

Conventional medicine, does in fact, have a place in health treatment. Conventional medical interventions such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and antibiotics do bring benefits. They can prevent death, pain and give hope to people to walk again, provide instant relief, and also, provide a new functioning organ in place of a diseased and ailing one.

Also, alternative practitioners do not condemn conventional medical practices altogether. Their belief is somewhat different, however. That these conventional medical interventions should not be the first choice of treatment, as it often is. The point is that most tend to seek natural or alternative medicine as the last resort. Seeking holistic treatment as a last ditch for health and life is not a very good idea as alternative medicine takes a long time to show positive healing benefits.

For the general public, I guess it is important to realize that there are more ways than one in the aspect of health. Fortunately, with the advent of the holistic health movement over the last two decades, a growing number of conventional doctors are now recognizing that health is more than the absence of disease.

Many more medical doctors practice "integrative" medicine, where they combine research-backed alternative medical treatments with the best of conventional allopathic medicine. This may just be the best way to go. The overall objective to aim in the environment of today and tomorrow is for a higher standard of health; in short, total wellness.

About the Author:
Evelyn Lim owns a health and wellness article directory site. Her site has a growing database of health articles on more than 100 topics such as alternative healing, disease and fitness. Check out Now!

Alternative Medicine: Is It Really Worth The Risk?

There has been a surge in recent years of people looking to alternative medicine for treatment of illness. It is a practice that generates a great deal of controversy both inside and outside of the traditional world of medicine, and an issue that some experts say does not receive enough attention.

What Is Alternative Medicine? The most commonly accepted definition of alternative medicine is a treatment or substance that is untested or unproven using accepted scientific standards. Common types of alternative medicine include herbs, supplements, therapies and activity programs that fall outside of traditional medical practice and are questionable in terms of safety and effectiveness. For example, acupuncture, massage, meditation, herbal teas, and plant extracts are quite popular forms of alternative medicine that many medical doctors say are ineffective at best and dangerous at worst for some conditions.

Why Is Alternative Medicine So Popular? Alternative medicine has grown in popularity as more and more people face the inevitable aches, pains and illnesses that come with aging. In some cases, traditional medicine has failed to produce a cure and patients go in search of other options for treatment of their illness. In other cases, patients believe strongly that natural methods of treating illness are superior to traditional medicine so they seek treatment from alternative practitioners rather than medical doctors.

The Risks Of Alternative Medicine Some of the greatest risks associated with alternative medicine come from the use of substances that are untested, ineffective, and sometimes unsafe. The makers of such substances often make exaggerated claims of effectiveness and/or misrepresent the science associated with the substance in order to convince consumers to buy their product, even if use of the product may endanger the consumer's health or well-being.

For example, some herbal remedies are promoted as having the ability to improve memory, increase metabolism, or even cure diseases like cancer and heart disease. In practice, though, some remedies may actually cause physiological harm when taken in excessive amounts, ephedra being one well-publicized recent example. Another risk is that a person with a serious condition such as cancer, heart disease or some other chronic illness will forego more traditional treatments that have been proven effective in favor of alternative treatments that are of questionable value. They may be literally risking their lives by treating illness with unproven alternative medicines rather than scientifically validated traditional medicines. Another common risk associated with alternative medicine is when a patient uses both traditional and alternative methods of treatment but does not disclose this to their medical doctor. It is very common for prescription medications to produce negative interactions when taken at the same time as alternative medicines like herbs and plant extracts. These interactions may range from diminished effectiveness all the way up to and including toxicity that causes serious harm. If the medical doctor is not made aware of any other substances the patient may be taking, he or she may unknowingly prescribe a medication that produces and unwanted or harmful interaction.

How To Recognize Potentially Risky Alternative Medicines A good rule of thumb to follow is that if a product, substance or therapy sounds too good to be true then it probably is. While you may already be familiar with this cliché, it is worth repeating because it is often true when it comes to alternative medicine. Beware of any product that claims to be "miraculous", "a scientific breakthrough", "amazingly effective", "an ancient remedy", "a secret formula" or possess some other attribute that supposedly makes it superior to more traditional medicines.

If you are considering an alternative form of therapy, such as reflexology, acupuncture, biofeedback or the like, carefully check the qualifications of the therapy practitioner before undergoing treatment. What kind of training has he or she received, and is that training from a reputable source? Research the treatment itself to determine if it is something that has been scientifically tested, evaluated, and found to be effective. Don't take the practitioner's word for it, and don't accept at face value the claims of anyone who stands to make money or benefit in some way if you choose to undergo the treatment.

Finally, ask your doctor about any form of alternative medicine that you are considering. If you don't feel comfortable doing so then find a doctor with whom you feel more at ease and discuss the alternative treatment you are considering. Remember that a trained medical professional has the education and experience to help you make good, safe decisions about whether or not to use alternative medicine.

About the Author:
Emanuele Allenti offers valuable tips and help about alternative medicine at best alternative medicine and alternative medicine tips websites.

Using a Health Savings Account to Pay for Alternative Medicine

Health Savings Accounts allow you to set up a tax-deductible account to pay for medical expenses that are not covered by your health insurance. These include expenses to cover your deductible, and other medical expenses like dental and eyeglasses. But many don't realize that HSA funds can be used to pay for virtually any type of medical service, as long as it pertains to the treatment or prevention of a specific health condition.

Because money withdrawn from a health savings account to pay medical expenses is tax-free, anyone who has an HSA can funnel all alternative medical expenses through their HSA and get a tax write-off. This could include biofeedback, naturopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, aromatherapy, magnetic healing, reflexology, and the list goes on.

People who use complementary therapies are often very health conscious, and go to traditional physicians less often. So it does not make sense for them to be paying a high premium for a traditional health insurance plan with a co-pay, particularly when their medical treatments are not covered anyway. Instead, many are choosing a low cost high-deductible HSA plan.

Alternative Therapies Becoming Mainstream

Many hospitals are now offering complementary treatments. The website for the Memorial Sloan-Keating Cancer Center states that complementary therapies are used to "help alleviate stress, reduce pain and anxiety, manage symptoms, and promote a feeling of well-being."

Some group health insurance plans are beginning to cover more complementary expenses, but there is still very little coverage for these expenses in individual or family plans. Those that cover chiropractic limit coverage to 12 - 20 visits per year, and a few will cover a limited amount of acupuncture. But very few if any cover hypnotherapy, Reiki, iridology, or faith healers.

Why Complementary Medicine

The conventional medicine practiced by most MDs is called allopathic medicine. The philosophy of this system is to treat disease and injury using counteractive methods. For instance, if you have a fever you may take aspirin to make it go down, if your cholesterol is elevated you may take a statin to reduce it, if you have heartburn you may take an antacid. The thinking is mostly focused on removing the symptoms of disease, and the primary treatment modalities are surgery and prescription drugs.

But there are other ways to look at things. Naturopathic medicine is based on the belief in the body's own healing powers, which can be strengthened through the use of certain foods, vitamins, herbs, or other "natural" treatments. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on ancient Chinese theories about the balance of yin and yang. Ayurvedic medicine is based on principles of movement, metabolism, and structure.

Part of the growing use of complementary therapies is a reaction to the costs, side effects, and philosophy of conventional allopathic medicine. Physicians get much of their continuing education from the pharmaceutical industry, and they work in an environment where the insurers and the patients are both looking for a quick fix. The result is that the average 60 year old is now taking 5 regular medications, yet there is little expectation that those drugs will ever cure the health problems for which they're being used. Many consumers see this, and instead are using other methods to try to get to the root of their illness.

What is Considered a "Qualified HSA Expense"

Qualified medical expenses have been partially defined in IRS Publication 502, and through various federal court rulings. There is no definitive list, but there are really very few restrictions as long as the procedure is for the treatment or prevention of a specific health condition. For instance, you could not use your HSA funds to pay for a relaxing massage for your own personal pleasure. But if your doctor recommends you get a massage for specific medical reasons, this is considered a qualified expense. Yoga would not normally be considered a qualified medical expense, but it would be if it was recommended as a physical therapy following some sort of accident.

Some may question why the government would give a tax deduction for someone to use some crazy energy vibration machine to cure their cancer. But this is as it should be. No one but you should be able to decide what type of treatment you will use for your own illnesses. By empowering individuals to manage their health as they see fit, HSAs encourage personal responsibility and help loosen the monopoly on healthcare that conventional medicine has had for the past few decades.

By Wiley Long - President, HSA for America ( - The nation's leading independent health insurance firm specializing in Health Savings Plans that work with a Health Savings Account. Please link to this site when using this article.