Alternative Medicine

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Allopathic Medicine - Its Pros & Cons and a Comparison With Alternative Medicine

Known by several different designations such as "Western modern medicine," "Conventional Medicine" and allopathic medicine," these all refer to the scientific, evidence-based and highly technical body of medical knowledge in Western and European nations. Alternative medicine, from the standpoint of allopathic medicine, is everything else not considered by the American Medical Association to be of little or no use. Both have strengths and weaknesses and in many cases, complement each other despite differences in philosophy, culture and objectives.

The Pros of Allopathic Medicine, the Weaknesses of Alternative Medicine

The strength of allopathic medicine comes in this knowledge and that the modalities, therapies and procedures, recognized as efficacious, have been subjected to strict scientific testing and experimentation. This lends to the highly predictable results found in the treatment and advanced knowledge-base of biological processes - an area which is stressed far less in alternative medicine.

The unprecedented scientific knowledge and the rigid testing of the procedures used, the medical system certainly cannot be beat. For this reason, the allopathic physician is regarded the authority in health care. He has been through extensive training through years of medical school and is under strict guidelines from which he is not allowed to deviate. Alternative medicine tends to be far more individually methodical.

When it comes to emergency situations, especially those which would be otherwise fatal, allopathic medicine, again, holds the highest awards for excellence. No doubt there is not a single modality in alternative medicine that can come close to the effectiveness and life-saving attributes of Western conventional medicine. Those having experienced severe, life-threatening accidents, illnesses and diseases couldn't be found in better hands.

The Cons of Allopathic Medicine - the Strengths of Alternative Medicine

Unlike many of the modalities found in alternative medicines, allopathic medicine comes in several areas. First and foremost, it is a profitable industry, where most of the modalities in alternative medicine tend to be non-profit in nature. The for-profit model has major drawbacks in that the system thrives on illness and disease without which there would be no business. The details here would warrant the writing of a book, let alone an article.

Treatment and therapies, though quite effective, are highly specialized, standardized and departmentalized. It tends to be impersonal, with little or no contact between the patient and the physician outside of the ailment itself. The patient here receives the treatment which he has little say other than to consent to it or not. Little to no explanation outside of patient instructions are given and the patient takes the physician's word on faith, in most cases.

In alternative medicine, treatment is far more individualized, less standardized and the patient participates in his treatment, making it far more personal.

Allopathic medicine, due to both the profit factor and extremely high operating costs, tends to be very expensive, leaving low-income patients with inferior care. Allopathic medicine concerns itself with symptomatic treatment rather than causal, giving rise to another huge empire - the pharmaceutical industry, which is also a for-profit business. Similar to the average Western grocery store which sells more foodstuffs that are generally not the best for health, our pharmacies are jam-packed with medications aimed at relieving symptoms rather than curing the ailment on the level of its cause.

Allopathic medicine (for which this term accurately depicts as being concerned with symptoms rather than causes,) the medical giant has also been deemed a "sick-care" system due to observations noted above. Allopathic medicine generally lacks in areas many modalities in alternative medicine tends to cover, chiefly in the prevention of ill-health and that they are far more concerned with the causes of ailments, less on the treatment for symptoms and that many of the modalities in alternative medicine considers the whole being and not just the biological, making them far more holistic than allopathic medicine.

Daniel Euergetes is working hard to helping you rise above mediocrity and reach more satisfactory and more fulfilling planes in living. One of the ways this is done is through education and appropriate resources.

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