Alternative Medicine

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Alternative Medicine And Its Important Role In Your Healthcare

Alternative Medicine is redefining the boundaries of individual health and well being and is beginning to change the definition of what it means to be healthy in today's fast-paced, stress-filled environment and offers a whole new realm of options for today's consumer to choose from in the process of determining their healthcare needs.

You may be surprised to discover that Alternative Medicine may be covered in your healthcare policy, which offers a broader scope of coverage than managed care alone, and may well reduce your overall cost of healthcare in general and even improve the future quality of life that you and your family will enjoy in the years to come.

The realization that the definition of health should be, and can be, far better than simply, free from injury or disease, represents a gradual shift in the way of thinking for both the consumer as well as the healthcare provider. It is this realization that is allowing Alternative Medicine to not only enter mainstream modern medicine, but also to partner with Conventional Medicine in a new and profound way as one of many successful avenues of treatment available to today's consumer of health.

Fifteen to Twenty years ago, there were few recognized, alternatives to conventional medicine, at least not in the West. This is not to say that alternatives did not exist, quite the contrary, they were simply not considered a serious option in improving ones health. This is no longer the case.

Dissatisfaction with the managed care system of the past decade, coupled with one important event and a slight shift in thinking created the perfect conditions for Alternative Medicine to flourish.

First, the cost of healthcare skyrocketed. Rising costs for diagnostic and treatment of injury and disease fueled an inevitable shift in focus, primarily from treatment to prevention, and this created the perfect niche that would soon be filled by the proactive stance that Alternative Medicine prevention provides. Simply put, when costs rise people begin asking questions and seeking alternatives.

Second, with the Information Age in full swing, access to quality information from a variety of sources translated into patients being better informed of healthcare issues and therefore more involved in their treatment options, if for no other reason than as a means to reduce their overall healthcare costs.

Alternative Medicine and Conventional Medicine approach healthcare issues in very different ways.

Conventional Medicine hinges on "the diagnosis of a patient's condition. This means that conventional medicine enters the healthcare process after the patient has been injured or after an ailment or disease has progressed to the level where an accurate diagnosis can be made. Once made, the diagnosis dictates both the treatment, accomplished via drug therapy and/or surgery, and the cost. Conventional Medicine exits the healthcare process once the malady has been identified, cured, or removed and is normally a temporary fix.

Contrast this to Alternative Medicine, which is focused on "preventing a problem, meaning that Alternative Medicine by its very nature attempts, and prefers, to enter the healthcare process before the patient is injured or becomes ill. Prevention is the first line of defense. When this frontline is penetrated by injury or disease, Alternative Medicine makes every attempt to "assist the body in healing itself, via natural means, whenever and wherever possible.

Alternative Medicine is thus non-invasive, even passive and more long-term, meaning that it becomes part of a consumer's healthcare regime and does not so quickly exit the health process, if at all. This will translate into lower costs for wellness over the lifespan of an individual. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and at no other time has this statement been more true, especially if the cure requires an expensive antibiotic, surgery and/or an extended, or even brief, hospital stay.

Nutrition and lifestyle changes alone can easily reduce the incidence of costly injury and disease, decrease the need for costly maintenance medications and increase the likelihood of a better quality of life.

The healthcare consumer of today is expected to be both well informed and totally involved in the decisions surrounding their personal health and well being. Not limited to local or even national healthcare options, the patient of this next century will enjoy global access to both information and treatment options.

Healthcare policies are already positioning themselves for this global marketplace and are embracing Alternative Medicine as a means of lowering their own liability and costs as well as expanding their consumer pool. Consumers should make sure their healthcare policies reflect these changing attitudes and include a much broader spectrum of healthcare options.

What is the quality of your health worth? Today's "non-traditional healthcare programs are the cornerstone of holistic health and the mainstay of the future quality of life that you and your family will enjoy in the years to come. Make sure your policy answers this question to the greatest satisfaction for you and your family.

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The Facts About Alternative Medicine

The term "alternative" medicine is a far-reaching one that describes a number of health and healing methods. Generally, when using "alternative" you are talking about medicinal and general health practices, products, etc. that are not a part of society's conventional medical systems. Sometimes referred to as "complementary" medicine when used in addition to, as opposed to instead of, conventional systems, the term can cover everything from folk medicine to faith healing to therapeutic massage. In other words, if you can't learn it in medical schools or get it in conventional hospitals, it's considered "alternative."

Because so many different approaches to health and wellness are lumped under the alternative heading, it can be difficult to decide whether or not to take any of them seriously. Fad diets, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbology, yoga, probiotics and new age healing are just a few of the choices that fall under alternative medicine. But how are you supposed to know what is real from what is quackery?

There are many sources that attempt to back alternative medicine practices with scientific study. A quick search through the library or Internet will result in lots of studies and first-hand experiences that prove or disprove the worth of just about any alternative method you can name. Ask friends and family if they have tried a particular treatment or practice, you'll be surprised how many people go outside of conventional medicine for alternate therapies. Many of us already use alternative medicine without even realizing it.

Remember when grandma insisted on her special chicken soup when you were sick, or a friend recommended an egg yolk mask for acne just because that's what her mom did?

Those are great examples of alternative medicine, and there's plenty of research out there that shows them to have real world value. Chicken soup is easy to eat when you're sick and provides necessary hydration, vitamins, minerals, and protein to help you recover. The high protein in egg yolks soothes and enriches the skin, as it dries it pulls out impurities, and all without adding oils or over drying. Just because a medical doctor didn't proscribe them doesn't necessarily mean they don't work.

Some alternative medicines have become more accepted by the conventional medical community. Acupuncture, part of traditional Chinese medicine, has been practiced for thousands of years and is considered conventional in many Asian countries. However, acupuncture is accepted only for pain management in the US. Acupuncturists claim it can help everything from weight loss to infertility, but this has not been definitively proven in scientific study. Practitioners in the US are highly trained and must get a license before treating patients. Licenses aren't infallible, but it does lend extra assurance that a professional with high standards is treating you. Further proof of acceptance is that many insurance companies will cover treatment by a licensed acupuncturist.

It is still important to take care when choosing to use alternative medicine. Be sure and do your homework. While it may not hurt to put egg on your face, taking herbs without knowing how they may interact with other medicines or knowing proper dosages can cause serious problems. Going to an unlicensed practitioner for something like acupuncture can result in serious injury. You should consult with your present health practitioner to discuss the alternative medicines you are considering. Be sure to weigh the risks and benefits carefully before trying anything new. Always let each health professional know all of your medical history and present practices.

Many people find great results from alternative and complementary medicine. When you explore these "new" options, you may find that there are centuries old ways to take care of your body and mind that have been overlooked by today's western medicine. Careful research and a mindful approach can help you achieve a better lifestyle and enjoy good health.

Written by Jill Manty of

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Alternative Medicine Seminars: What they Teach

Find Alternative Medicine Seminars in the United States and Canada. Much like traditional medicine workshops, alternative medicine seminars typically center on pathology-specific and/or innovative health treatments. In addition, a number of alternative medicine seminars will sometimes offer diplomas of completion, certification and/or continuing education units.

Some excellent examples of alternative medicine seminars may include classes in acupuncture treatment for particular health issues, such as auricular therapy for eye disorders. Other alternative medicine seminars may be strictly for practitioners and health care professionals who would like introductory courses in homeopathy, natural healthcare or other related subjects of study.

A number of alternative medicine seminars may involve integrative medicines that are used in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, and other health problems. In addition, there are alternative medicine seminars that have been specifically designed to help professional health care providers to better understand the theories and principles of alternative and complementary medicine, which help to erode stereotypes associated with these natural health modalities.

Some alternative medicine seminars are geared toward promoting healthier lifestyles and better nutritional concepts; while others present advanced and continuing education classes in glyconutrients, massage therapy, yoga, Tai chi, qigong and herbal remedies. Many alternative medicine seminars also include programs in guided imagery, chiropractic, homeopathy, meditation, mind-body medicine, and additional natural therapies.

Alternative medicine seminars vary in length and credit; some may be as short as an hour-long course, while others can range up to two weeks. Most alternative medicine seminars do provide certificates of completion, which is always a professional enhancement to any health career.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding appropriate alternative medicine seminars to help attain your dream job, let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Alternative Medicine Seminars: What they Teach
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Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Natural Healing Schools, Alternative Medicine Schools, and other Alternative Healing Schools.

The Definition of Alternative Medicine

Have you ever suffered from a horrible headache when you thought the best remedy might be for someone to bash you over the head, or to pull your hair out? Then you might have some experience with alternative medicine!

In all seriousness, alternative medicine is not about hurting yourself, but involves investigating other potential methods to treat an ailment besides synthetic drugs. A good purpose for alternative medicine is to avoid developing a dependence on drugs of any type, which can supersede any medicinal or curing effects they might have. Searching for different ways of dealing with your physical or emotional issues or conditions can end up being better for you in the long run.

A great deal of alternative medicine treatments come from ancient medicinal knowledge and insight. Many different types of remedies used by different cultures through the years, including the use of needles for pain relief, herbs for medicinal treatments, or even massage therapy, are considered a form of medicine by the respective users because they work to some degree. However, many alternative treatments are unknown to the general public, as they are not in conformity with the mass marketed treatments and pharmaceuticals.

The definition of alternative medicine

There is really no one ultimate definition of alternative medicine. There are so many various methods and treatments that have been and continue to be investigated and promoted that it is hard to firmly define it.

Some of these alternative names to alternative medicine include holistic medicine, natural medicine, integrated medicine, and complementary medicine. They are all variations of the same idea, which is natural and alternative medicine. The design of alternative medicine is to ensure that all parts of a person's life and being are well and strong.

The point of view of the alternative medicine collective

A standard of those who advocate alternative medicine is that health isn't only the absence of illness or disease. Alternative medicine works to ensure that one's purpose in life is sustained, because a person without a purpose is not able to achieve his fullest potential. There needs to be inspiration and motivation to allow life to be lived to its fullest.

It is thought that illness might not be the end of one's world. Infection is not the only cause of sickness. The mind has the power to change one's personality completely. Take the great warrior king Asoka, for example. He was so stirred by the death and devastation brought about by the Kalinga war that he became a Buddhist reformer. In this respect, illness has the capacity to bring about change, to make us better human beings. For that reason, alternative medicine strives to consider not only the physical health of a person, but also his personality and emotions in treating ailments and bringing about total well-being.

Sometimes, when you aren't feeling that great, it might be better to relax by listening to calming music, taking a walk, or just thinking about life, rather than taking a pill to treat something momentarily. Discovering your purpose will give you a feeling of strength and the realization that life is worth living!

If you would like to learn more about alternative medicine [] visit []

Alternative Medicine and Therapies - What, Why and How of it

Alternative Therapies and alternative medicine has been gaining ground along with conventional treatments. Alternative therapies have been practiced for thousand of years especially in the east commonly known as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Modern medicine has replaced such therapies due to its ability to quickly suppress the symptoms and treat the specific physical condition with pharmacological and surgical methods evolved after much research.

However the modern medicine too has severe side effects due to its toxicity and chemical interference in cellular functioning. This has resulted in alternative therapies and alternative medicines gaining ground. The inability of the medical science to quickly tackle the outbreak of immunity related disorders and disease like Aids and SARS have rekindled the interest in alternative therapies.

Alternative therapy and medicine has also gained respectability as more and more clinical trials and research is establishing the efficacy of its treatments.

Alternative therapies have very simple principles.

The body can heal itself. You only need to facilitate the self-healing process.

Prevention is the key to healthy living. The alternative medicinal system stresses on prevention of disease through a change in diet, use of proven herbs and lifestyle changes which while preventing the disease also helps in dealing with the basic cause of any disease.

Each system of alternative medicine has their own complex method of diagnoses and treatment; broadly they focus on balancing the energies in the body as well as the emotional aspects of disease. Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as homeopathy works on the principle of assisting the body to heal itself.

All treatments in alternative therapy use medicines which are directly derived from botanical sources - ingredients in plants. They are generally safe in moderate doses if they are prepared with pure essence of such botanicals and unadulterated with any form of chemicals.

Selecting the right herbal products

There are plenty of spurious products in the market with tall claims. Buy only from the best source after verifying the background and credibility of the company.

Don't go by claims of miraculous cures. You need to understand how each product works and go by the research available on the herbs along with the traditional history of healing.

Buy the herbal or food supplements only after verifying whether company is meeting with the quality standards and test certifications. Check whether the ingredients on the label are as per the claims on the advertisements.

Plenty of information is available from the website of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or NCCAM website for complementary and Alternative medicine.

A final word of caution while using alternative medicines and therapies, whatever the claims made or facts about the medicinal and curative properties do not stop your regular treatment recommended by a doctor.

It is best to use these products as a preventive and for good health. Do not use the products for symptomatic relief but for therapeutic use.

Use the alternative medicine as complementary or as an adjuvant therapy to your regular medicine. Use of herbal remedies as a preventive or as food and health supplements is the best way to go as you do not run the risk of interference with your regular treatment of any disease or disorder.

R.G. Srinivasan is a Certified Trainer, Writer and Author.He is passionate about alternate therapies and holistic herbal medicine. Check out blog at

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Look at Alternative Medicine and Conventional Medicine

Alternative medicine and alternative therapies are therapeutic practices, which are currently not considered as an integral part of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is the current mainstream medical system of diagnosis and treatment of disease. However, an increasing desire for wellness, in response to today's stressful lifestyle and rising incidences of cancer, disease and illness, has led to the rising demand for alternative medicine and therapies. It is true that many people are becoming disenchanted with conventional medicine's drugs and the approach to healing.

What is the difference between conventional medicine and alternative medicine? In general, conventional medicine tends to focus on the disease and employs techniques to treat it. It views the body as a war zone where battles against invading organisms are fought, and won or lost. It focuses more on techniques, technology, chemical reactions that can be measured, statistically proven and documented. Treatment is on the part of the body that is displaying the symptoms of the illness or disease.

On the other hand, alternative medicine tends to be "holistic", where an individual's health is considered as a whole and treatment not just focused on the symptoms. Alternative medicine employ "natural" methods to aid the healing powers of the body to return to a state of health. Treatment is holistic; that is it takes into account every aspect of a patient and not just on the health symptoms that he or she is experiencing.

Contrary to popular belief, alternative medicine has a history longer than conventional medicine. Much of alternative medicine is derived from ancient healing techniques. For instance, the use of herbs is practiced all over the world since a long time ago; whether in India as ayurvedic medicine, in China as traditional Chinese medicine or used as aromatherapy which can be traced back to ancient Egyptian times.

There are a full range of alternative medicine and complementary therapies. They include acupuncture, energy healing, hypnosis, flower essences therapy, EFT, homeopathy, etc - all aimed at restoring the body back to balance and thus helping an individual achieve total wellness.

It would seem that after the above explanations, alternative medicine is superior to conventional medicine. This will not be an accurate view for all health situations. Conventional medicine, does in fact, have a place in health treatment. Conventional medical interventions such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and antibiotics do bring benefits. They can prevent death, pain and give hope to people to walk again, provide instant relief, and also, provide a new functioning organ in place of a diseased and ailing one.

Also, alternative practitioners do not condemn conventional medical practices altogether. Their belief is somewhat different, however. That these conventional medical interventions should not be the first choice of treatment, as it often is. The point is that most tend to seek natural or alternative medicine as the last resort. Seeking holistic treatment as a last ditch for health and life is not a very good idea as alternative medicine takes a long time to show positive healing benefits.

For the general public, I guess it is important to realize that there are more ways than one in the aspect of health. Fortunately, with the advent of the holistic health movement over the last two decades, a growing number of conventional doctors are now recognizing that health is more than the absence of disease. Many more medical doctors practice "integrative" medicine, where they combine research-backed alternative medical treatments with the best of conventional allopathic medicine. This may just be the best way to go. The overall objective to aim in the environment of today and tomorrow is for a higher standard of health; in short, total wellness.

Evelyn Lim owns an article directory site on health and wellness. Her site is an online directory archive with more than 100 topic categories; including alternative medicine, wellness, health and medical conditions, natural remedy, fitness, weight loss, nutrition, cancer, health insurance, etc. To submit an article, please visit today!

Alternative Medicine vs Conventional Medicine - Pt 2

In Part 1 we discussed the fact that alternative medicine

(so called) was being used in ancient times long before

conventional medicine came on the scene. It is interesting

to note that there were not so many diseases plaguing mortals

in those days. What has caused this never-ending increase of

deadly diseases that wreak such havoc on the body today?

If conventional medicine was the answer to health problems,

why have diseases increased, and why are so many people dying

from these devasting illnesses? Why do so many persons seem

to be convinced that alternative medicine made by God do not

have healing virtues as the conventional medicine made by man?

There is also what is called complementary medicine, that is,

other treatment used along with conventional medicine to effect

a cure. However, not all substances categorised as complementary

medicine must be used with conventional medicine to be effective.

For example, aromatherapy is regarded as complementary since

it is used in many cases with conventional therapy. I have had

great results with the use of essential oils in the case of

swollen joints, arthritic pains, nasal and chest congestion,

'flu and other ailments. No conventional medicine was used

in these cases.

Why is information about cures by alternative medicine often

suppressed even though conventional medicine very often

interferes with the natural process of healing?

People are so coerced to use conventional medicine that they

refuse to even give alternative medicine a chance because

advertisements have such great influence when heard often

enough, that the public is convinced.

Have you ever noticed the way conventional medicine is

advertised? It would seem that every effort is made to down

play the possible negative effects.

The ads begin by distinctly emphasizing the benefits of the

medicines; then with hurried words they are changed to

something like this, "If you have gallbladder problems, or

ulcers, (or other ailment) you shouldn't take this."

Then in closing, someone affirms that the benefits have

been personally experienced!

Beware such deception and trickery; your health may be

seriously compromised. I often say to myself, "If this

conventional medicine is likely to affect my stomach, kidneys,

liver, whatever, why should I take it at all when I can use

some form of alternative medicine that is not toxic?"

Many people, so trained to distrust natural remedies and eager

to get well, jump at the announcement of some apparent new

super healing conventional medicine; and, without any

hesitation, embark upon a regimen with the belief that it is

the answer to their problem; Yet, they continue to be sick or

even get worse. In spite of that they keep on ingesting them.

I am of the opinion that if persons are encouraged to use

alternative medicine to treat disease before it develops into

a serious illness, they might very well have but little need

for the administration of conventional medicine such as

chemotherapy, synthetic drugs, and surgery. If the body is

kept in a healthy state, it is not likely that disease will


Day by day warning signs of an impending illness are being

ignored, then when that illness becomes overwhelming a quick

fix is sought through conventional medicine which,

unfortunately, seldomly delivers the required result.

I just cannot understand why most people will not try natural

remedies. My son, who was diagnosed with an exceedingly high

count of diabetes, was given the conventional treatment of

insulin and told that he would have to use it for the rest of

his life. He decided to try a herb called Gymnema Sylvestre

that is known in India as 'sugar destroyer' and, instead of

using sugar, he used the extract of another herb called Stevia.

What a surprise when he tested the level of sugar to discover

that it had drastically dropped! After a few weeks, he

stopped using insulin altogether. This was well over a year

ago and to this day he has not resumed the insulin therapy.

His blood sugar is back to normal and he now uses the natural

treatment only for maintenance.

I am not saying this to suggest that you will have the same

results, or to suggest that you rush out and buy these items.

This is only to support my confidence in natural remedies. If

you have diabetes, you are well advised to consult your doctor.

Very often a simple massage is the answer to a problem. I

personally have not had a headache for many years. There

was a time when I was headache-prone, and got into the habit

of using synthetic medicines to ease the pain, but after I

decided to try natural treatments and medicines, I changed

my diet from eating 'junk' foods and tried to stop using those

synthetic headache remedies.

I started to massage my head and shoulders whenever a headache

came on. Then to my delight, I realised that headaches were few

and far apart. Now they are virtually no more a part of my life.

Whenever I sense the feeling that a headache is imminent (which

is exceedingly rare), I just give myself a quick head and

shoulder massage and I am OK again. No more headache remedies

for me, like the 'Oh-so-famous' ones that are so often advertised.

I have helped many, many persons to be rid of a headache by just

simply giving them a massage as mentioned above. Many had

headaches lingering for days, and after about 20 minutes of

massage, they miraculously stopped.

Every person should find the time to learn about the natural

treatments that could be taken to protect his/her own body

and prevent or cure diseases. I do, do you? I have studied

and read about hundreds of cures by natural means, and have

experienced some myself.

Think of the many thousands of persons who might have been

alive today if only they had known, and had been encouraged,

to use certain natural remedies to be healed.

It is not the intention of this article to condemn the use of

conventional medicine which plays a wonderful role in the case

of surgery and other traumatic conditions. There have been

countless such cases where, without the administration of

conventional medicine, many persons would not have survived.

However, it is my hope that conventional medicine in the field

of drugs will one day give way to alternative medicine, and

conventional medicine retain its place in the field of surgery

and other traumatic conditions where it cannot be ignored.

Many persons have begun to take charge of their health and have

wisely shifted their preference to alternative medicine with satisfactory results. It is likely that this trend will continue

and alternative medicine will one day regain the recognition it

so rightfully deserves, as greater emphasis will be put on the prevention of disease and maintenance of health by natural means.

A word of caution. If you have decided to try alternative

medicine, be sure to get in touch with a qualified practitioner.

This article is written for information only and is not

intended to suggest treatment of any disease. Information

contained herein is based on my own experience and research I

have done and just want to share with interested persons.

Anyone suffering from a disease is advised to consult a

qualified recognized health care professional for advice.

Jem is author and webmaster of 1-personal-improvement website. She is also a certified Natural Health Consultant and takes pleasure in sharing what she has learned with others.

If you would like to read more you may do so at: []

Benefits and Uses of Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine has a number of benefits. It is a practice of consuming a medicine without the use of drugs. This may involve herbal medicines, self-awareness, biofeedback, or acupuncture. With alternative medicines, a person becomes an active participant in techniques involved in the cure. Individuals understand their physical body functions well and understand the way it relates to their health.

Holistic medicine comes under alternative medicine. Nature, as a whole, has an important role in the usage of fruits, herbs, detox, and vitamins for purification, stimulation and healing. Use of such therapies has gained popularity in recent times, since they offer great health benefits to users. Many people are directing their attention toward alternative medicine and natural therapies for prevention of illnesses and solving their day-to-day health-related issues.

Benefits and Usage:

The natural therapies present in alternative medicines are age-old as compared to western form of treatments such as antibiotics and surgeries. According to physicians, most alternative medicine therapies started with clinical impressions or scientific research. The medicines are safe and involve natural substances. One primary objective of alternative medicines is to relieve people from depending largely on drug usage and help them manage their lives naturally. For users' convenience, below given are some ways to use alternative medicines:

1. People following an alternative medicine may do physical exercises such as osteopathy, yoga, infuse physical activity, tai chi, meditation and reflexology. To do these exercises, place the pillow on a surface providing comfort to the body, since these exercises stimulate and manipulate structural balance of the body. In addition, the exercises improve overall bodily functions. Users may practice these exercises for mental, physical, spiritual and emotional benefits.

2. Users may undergo massage therapy, which involves manipulating and rubbing the body tissue for mental and physical relaxation. They may do this either at home or at a massage clinic. When at home, apply massage oils to the neck, forehead, feet and hands.

3. Change the way of thinking. Exercise the mind first, so the body follows it. Meditate for relaxing the mind, thinking positively and clearing stress. Take deep breaths for better healing. Simultaneously, make use of enhanced visualization of objects for forming good thought patterns.

4. For relaxing the body, drink herbal teas. Improvement of bodily functions depends on what people eat and drink, since the same relieves, stimulates and has a healing effect on the body. Consume fresh fruits, vegetables and vitamins daily so that the body gets essential nutrients. Drink ginger tea since it is effective in the cure of nausea and heals the body naturally.

5. Those who wish to develop strong bones and healthy muscles may seek the help of a chiropractor. Chiropractic is a method of treatment that manipulates the body structures, especially the spine to relieve low back pain or even headache or high blood pressure. The chiropractor shows people their pressure points.

6. A simple, yet curable method that comes under alternative therapy is laughter as being the best medicine. People have experienced miraculous changes in certain health disorders due to mere laughing. As such, it is advisable people watch comedy shows on TV. Read magazines and books that promote laughter. Alternately, cleanse the entire body with essential oils, herbs, fruits that have certain therapeutic benefits on the skin. Combine herbs, natural products and fruits together as a remedy to skin disorders.

7. Users may try alternative medicines such as the electromagnetic therapy and biofeedback, which controls body functions such as heart rate, brain activity and blood pressure.

People have turned to using alternative medicine, since it offers multiple health benefits and cures them from long-term ailments in a natural way.

This article was written for Find This Online an online resource guide that offers a variety of articles written on different subjects. Offering you relevant information that you are looking for. Browse through plenty of useful articles, information, content and resources on the subject.

Acne Alternative Medicine - How To Find An Alternative Acne Treatment That Really Works

Are you suffering from acne and looking for an alternative acne medicine and treatment that actually works and gets rid of acne? There is no one singular alternative acne medicine and treatment that works for every individual suffering from acne. The best acne medicine and treatment for you will depend on the type of acne that you are suffering. Keep reading to find out some effective alternative acne medicine and treatment options that have given fast results for acne sufferers worldwide plus get FREE instant access to "The Five Basic Secrets For Clearing Your Skin".

Many people who suffer from acne find it better to undertake a group of acne treatments. The reasons people decide to do this is because there are actually so many causes for acne to occur in the first place.

Although not one particular acne medicine or treatment is said to cure all acne straight away, the good news is that there are a range of alternative acne treatments and medicines that do show good results in getting rid of acne. These alternative acne treatments and medicines that do actually work promise to deliver a clear and clean skin for acne sufferers. These alternative acne medicines and treatments do vary, however, below is a rough guide for common acne alternative medicines and treatments that actually do work.

ACNE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND TREATMENT OPTION 1: A very potent form of alternative acne treatments is a herbal acne remedy. This is a great way to try and avoid the side effects that occur with some chemically laden acne treatments. That being said, it does usually take around 30 days or even longer for a herbal acne remedy to really work so don't expect fast results. Additionally, there have not been very many studies into acne herbal remedies to determine how effective it really is as an alternative acne medicine and treatment.

ACNE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND TREATMENT OPTION 2: Acne home remedies are proving to be popular as they are a lot cheaper than the much more price acne medicines and treatments available elsewhere. However, just as with acne herbal remedies, there has also not been much study conducted into the effectiveness of home remedies as an alternative acne medicine and treatment. Additionally, as with above, acne home remedies very rarely produce fast results. The good news is though is that they have far less side effects than other acne alternative treatments and medicines.

ACNE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND TREATMENT OPTION 3: Natural acne treatments are another form of alternative acne treatment options available for acne sufferers. However, just like I stated above, there have also been very few scientific studies undertaken in natural acne treatments and how effective they are at combating acne head on. Also, it is worth bearing in mind that many studies focus more on the synthetic chemical acne treatments instead of more user friendly alternative acne medicine and treatments that are becoming more and more popular for acne sufferers.

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Alternative Medicine Schools Teach Many Disciplines

The growth of alternative medicine schools has truly been phenomenal over the past few decades. With that expansion, society has had a remarkable shift in progressive acceptance toward alternative medicine, holistic health and other healing arts practices. This presumably reflects the rising need to transform conventional medicine because patient consumers are more likely to seek noninvasive health treatments over traditional medical care.

One of the many explanations for the diverse disciplines being offered at alternative medicine schools is primarily the increased interest in alternative medicine as a whole. Increasingly, future medical practitioners are seeking unconventional health education to explore alternatives through a natural healing school.

Some disciplines that are offered may include holistic medicine, transpersonal studies, ayurvedic medicine, naturopathic medicine, complementary medicine, herbal medicine, natural health medicine, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, oriental medicine, bodywork (massage therapy, medical massage, shiatsu, etc.), wellness, nutrition, and many more.

Students who are in search of a quality alternative healing school should carefully review academic programs prior to enrollment. Logically, one should base his or her decision not only on the field offerings and cost, but should also determine whether the particular alternative medicine school provides certificate, diploma or degree programs.

In some cases, like that of acupuncture, chiropractic and naturopathy, students who have met all requirements for graduation may qualify for doctorate degrees (e.g., N.D., Doctor of Naturopathy; N.M.D., Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; L.Ac., Master of Acupuncture, DC, Doctor of Chiropractic). Other alternative medicine schools that extend massage therapy, homeopathy and other natural healing arts programs may offer diploma or certificates to students who have successfully achieved completion of specific coursework.

In addition, alternative medicine schools often provide the necessary education and training to health practitioners who will ultimately need to be licensed. For example, practicing acupuncturists must be licensed prior to practicing this alternative health treatment.

Alternative medicine schools have come a long way and instill a sense of pride in the professionalism and vital research that they contribute, not only to their educational structure, but to the field of medicine as well.

To learn more about Alternative Medicine Schools and additional learning programs, search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

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Notice to Publishers: Please feel free to use this article in your Ezine or on your Website; however, ALL links must remain intact and active.

C. Bailey-Lloyd is a former staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Acupuncture Schools and Massage Therapy Schools, as well as Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools and Healing Arts Schools at

Alternative Medicine and Natural Healing

More and more people than ever before are becoming interested in natural medicine and a more natural alternative to drugs and surgery for certain health conditions. The already huge market is ever expanding with everything from essential oil therapy to nutritional supplements.

So, why are so many people choosing alternative medicine, as it is widely known? Or, to be more direct, what is the definition of alternative medicine? Basically, alternative medicine is known simply as a healing practice that does not fit into the defined methods or traditional or allopathic medicine, or conventional western medicine as it is also known.

Everything from "old folk remedies" to "Native American remedies" as well as Homeopathy, Chinese Herbs, Bach Flower Remedies, Acupunture and Chiropractic to name a few would fall into the category of "Alternative Medicine."

But, what is the meaning of alternative medicine? The fact is that, in actuality, for much of history, what is known today as alternative medicine was simply known as simply medicine. From many of the "medical home remedies" or old fashion home remedies came the basis for many of today's modern pharmaceuticals. The earliest synthetic drugs were often based on the well-known medicinal properties of common botanicals, flowers and herbs.

There are many different types of alternative medicine available today and there is an ever-growing interest in everything from a homeopathic remedy for arthritis to finding qualified complementary alternative medical practitioners in a particular area. People want to know things like what is the best detoxification program and things like what are the best nutrients for treating and preventing certain conditions.

So many people are becoming interested in how holistic healing works as an alternative to prescribed drugs, many of which treat symptoms rather than deal with the underlying causes of disease. Even prescription drugs that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the ailment have serious side-effects that sometimes outweigh the benefits.

One simple example of alternative medicine in the area of coronary artery disease is the use of garlic in the diet as a supplement. There are numerous clinical studies that can be found that show that Garlic can lower triglycerides, inhibit platelet aggregation, lower blood pressure and more.

Honey was used as a treatment for wounds and raw un-pasteurized honey has wonderful healing qualities including anti-bacterial properties.

So, where did alternative medicine start? Many of the practices that are widely known today have their origins based in ancient cultures from different parts of the world. Some of the oldest healing practices come from Chinese Medicine and Chinese healing herbs and are over 5000 years old. Ayurvedic Medicine from the East also has a history dating back around 6000 years. Hippocrates (c. 460-377 BC), a Greek physician frequently referred to as the Father of Medicine, practiced herbal medicine and was known for saying "let thy medicine be thy food and they food be thy medicine."

Article by Adam Brenner

Adam Brenner is a New Jersey native and writes about a number of topics and has a particular interest in natural healing arts and wellness. He is also a saxophonist and composer and has had an article published in Downbeat magazine about saxophonist Joe Henderson.

His blog about Natural Healing and Alternative Medicine is

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Alternative Medicine - The Other Choice

Alternative medicine is a general term that describes several forms of treatment, cures and relief that are derived from sources other than traditional medicine. The therapies, medical approaches and philosophies that are encompassed in the term alternative medicine are too many to be satisfactorily discussed in just a week. There are some forms of alternative medicine which are more widely used and well known than others. These more popular forms of alternative medicine have been accepted by many people and is widely practiced.


This form of alternative medicine is a sort of therapy which is practiced with the use of special needles. These specially designed needles are thin and long which make it easier to insert them into the human body. The filiform needles are inserted into specific points in the human body which are designated for pain relief or therapy. This form of alternative medicine therapy originated from China. The Chinese developed a system of meridians from which energy is supposed to flow. Tapping into these meridians with the use of the acupuncture needles will help to relieve several conditions and ailments that a person may be experiencing as well as help to relax and even reduce weight.

There are so many different studies concerning acupuncture since this is one of the more popular forms of alternative medicine but the results are basically inconclusive. There are some health organizations that do acknowledge the positive effect acupuncture but traditional medicine do not. Many traditional medical practitioners claim that while acupuncture may not be effective there is nothing to lose if the patient would really like to try it. The use of clean and sterile needles as well as the application of the said practice by responsible and well trained specialist is musts for this form of alternative medicine. Whether it has a placebo effect of real effect on people may depend entirely on how receptive the person may be to it.


This form of alternative medicine involves the treatment of disorders and other conditions through the application of pressure on the musculoskeletal system. In basic terms, the body, through realignment of the bones and pressure on the muscles is supposed to recover its balance and be relieved or cured from some conditions and disorders. This alternative medicine form of therapy uses the manipulation of the individual's joints, spine and other soft tissues to encompass the general application of manual therapy. The manipulation and manual therapy is basically done by the chiropractor but he can also assign a series of exercises and related therapies which the patient can do on his own at home.

This alternative medicine therapy was founded in the late 1800's. This practice enjoys much popularity in large areas of North America and also some parts of Asia. Chiropractic medicine is found to be effective in treating back pain and other condition related to the joints and bones. This alternative medicine therapy is acknowledge by may traditional medicine doctors as treatment for back pain but generally it is still considered as therapy and not actually medicine or cure. There is some controversy regarding the safety of the practice since there are some bogus chiropractors who have "accidents"


Naturopathy is a form relief or treatment which includes several forms of alternative medicine therapies and treatments. The concept of naturopathy is that the body can heal itself without the need of traditional medicine through the various forms of natural medicine. The use of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, botanical medicine, homeopathy, nutrition and even the practice of good hygiene are said to be include din naturopathy. Many people believe in this ideal and strive to heal or treat themselves through the use of natural forms of alternative medicine.

Rolf Joho is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. For more Alternative Medicine questions visit:

How Old Is Alternative Medicine and the Comparative Allopathic Medicine?

The term alternative medicine has not been around very long. In Le Fanu's work, The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine we see examples of the term being used to refer to practitioners taking on the older medical practices once in common use before the advent of empirical-based medicine which denounced them. The term "alternative medicine" has not been in existence any longer than the second half of the 20th century and perhaps earlier in isolated cases as allopathic medicine replaced holistic health care.

What is Holistic Health Care and How Old Is It?

Holistic health care originates in prehistoric times and most likely been around as long as human beings have existed. Holistic health refers to a number of medical systems, now considered by allopathic medicine to be within the alternative medicine group. These relied (and still do) on the alleged existence of prana, qi - what is known as vital life energy. Many believe that this energy has particular healing qualities and that the human body has these energies inside of them which facilitates self-healing. Today most of the modalities and holistic health systems found in alternative medicine uphold the theory that this energy exists and lends to the belief that wholesome living (clean lifestyles) lends to the promotion of natural healing.

What we have in alternative medicine today represents these philosophies from which allopathic medicine has deviated from. Very old cultures, such as China and India, have always retained the spiritual and emotional aspects of human experience in, not only their cultures, but their health care systems as well, making them holistic health care systems. There is no doubt that Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan Medicine and Ayurveda all have their roots in prehistoric times. A number of other health systems and modalities share in these implications, including allopathic medicine, though indirectly.

What is Allopathic Medicine and How Old Is it?

As late as the early 19th century allopathic medicine, as we know it, was still very unorganized and relied on many truly dangerous procedures and therapies, notorious methods, as blood-letting and extremely caustic chemical preparations we now know are highly toxic. Such men as German Physician, Samuel Hahnemann became so disillusioned with the medical practices of the time that he formed the now-infamous Homeopathic medical system - now considered an alternative medicine, though falling in line with holistic health, in theory and practice.

Allopathic medicine as we know it now is not very old though it is said of Ayurveda to be the Mother of Modern Medicine. Allopathic medicine is a very up-to-date and highly technical scientifically based system and has no repudiated ties to holistic health practices of yesterday. It was Hahnemann who coined the term, allopathic medicine, which in the Greek, means "other suffering." This refers to modern medical's departure from holistic health and treatment of symptoms rather than addressing the causes of the aliment.

How Alternative Medicine, Holistic Health Care and Allopathic Medicine Stand Today

All of these, including allopathic medicine have their origin as far back as prehistoric times though holistic health found in the alternative medicine group continues in the timeless philosophies and theories that the human body is equipped with that life force which is capable of healing on its own and the interruption of these energies can be intervened by the practitioner whose job it is to remove whatever it is that is blocking the natural flow of the energy.

The legacy of alternative medicine lies in its continuation of these ancient, time-tested holistic procedures. Allopathic medicine, despite its incredible contributions to the knowledge of human anatomy and health, sadly has abandoned the holism which is an important part of the medical systems within alternative medicine.

Daniel Euergetes is working hard to helping you rise above mediocrity and reach more satisfactory and more fulfilling planes in living. One of the ways this is done is through education and appropriate resources.

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Alternative Medicine - Choosing Your Category

It can be really confusing if you are debating a change in your health care needs and want to select or change to alternative medicine. How would you know which category of alternative medicine would be most beneficial and suit your requirements? You would need to be careful and understand just what your medical needs are, and then, you would in addition, need a working knowledge of the category and the kind of alternative medicine that would be most effective for your problem.

You will find there are quite a large range of categories of alternative medicine. Many of these different categories were formulated due to the fact that there is no conventional, or allopathic medicine (Western medicine is by and large an allopathic system) cure or treatment for lots of medical anomalies, or anything unusual. therefore many people are looking for something that will help them, maybe not cure them or at least not a complete cure, but a little bit of hope for their health problem. Even for diseases where a cure is sometimes attainable, alternative medicine is occasionally the more dependable option.

With a cancer patient, for instance, there are genuine studies in the research books where many cancer patients who have been through chemotherapy and radiation, and the caring oncologist has told their patient to go home and get all their affairs in order, because there was nothing more that could be done for them. Their are many patients, who have refused to just give up hope, and have turned to alternative medicine that included herbs and/or natural plant substances such as seeds, and in a short period of time, tests disclosed that the cancer was either hugely decreased in size, or had even in some cases completely disappeared. After hearing of testimonials like this, anyone would be silly not to want to attempt using any category of alternative medicine.

In addition, there are some people who would mistrust conventional medicine after an experience like this, and pass their opinions on to other people. Alternative medicine's popularity is growing by leaps and bounds, possibly due in part to bad experiences with allopathic doctors and their role as healers in our society.

Obviously, it is not possible to know how many of the successes with alternative medicine were due not only to the fact that so many categories of alternative medicine are accessible for any illness or disease conceivable, but also as medical doctors and doctors of alternative medicines have actually seen many times, the power of the mind can achieve great healing. While alternative medicine has both the range and the ability to be able to heal, how much of its success is ascribable to the fact that its fans believed they would be made well so powerfully that a virtual miasma of hope came forth from their soul to join with the branches of alternative medicine and induced a healing?

We may never know how much power our minds have when it comes to alternative medicine, however, that alternate medicine does indeed work, and it has for numerous numbers of patients, that in itself is quite sufficient.

About the Author:
Barry Friedmann is an acupuncture enthusiast, who also spends time investigating and uncovering incredible resources like those at

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Schools for Alternative Medicine

Schools for Alternative Medicine offer prospective students a plethora of natural healing arts classes geared toward certificates and degree program. In many of the Schools for Alternative Medicine, students learn about a broad variety of healing arts disciplines such as acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, Chinese medicine, and so much more.

One course offering in Schools for Alternative Medicine would be degree programs in Oriental medicine. While most Schools for Alternative Medicine do require prerequisite courses prior to enrollment, it is always important to review programs of interest to determine if you can meet the criteria for entry. For example, students who have an interest in becoming an acupuncturist usually must have had some form of post secondary education in general biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology. Schools for Alternative Medicine offering acupuncture and Oriental medicine degree programs will provide extensive knowledge and training in the field so that, upon successful completion, students are prepared for licensure and independent practice. Subsequently, Schools for Alternative Medicine such as this will almost always extend certificate programs in Chinese medical massage (tuina).

Other Schools for Alternative Medicine are focused on naturopathic medicine. In this case, students may opt to participate in a certificate programs for natural health practitioners or full-fledged doctors of naturopathic medicine. As with the study of Oriental medicine, the study of naturopathy may require previous experience or education. Students should be certain that all requirements have been met prior to enrollment.

Many Schools for Alternative Medicine offer training in essential oils, aromatherapy and herbology, among many others. Programs covering herbal medicine may lead to different levels of certification, which can accentuate any practitioner's health practice.

Chiropractic courses that are offered through Schools for Alternative Medicine require that students have already earned a fair measure of education from a post secondary school or college. In many cases, chiropractic programs that are extended in Schools for Alternative Medicine require candidates to have attained a bachelor's degree with focal studies in biology, chemistry, physical science, anatomy, and physiology before applying.

With the demand for alternative medicine growing at an expedient rate, Schools for Alternative Medicine provide portals to the medicine of today and the future.

To learn more about Schools for Alternative Medicine [] and additional learning programs, search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

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Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Natural Healing Schools, Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools and Natural Healing Online Schools [] at; your educational resource to locate schools.

An Overview of Alternative Medicine Treatment Options

There has been a growing interest lately in a wide variety of alternative medicines.? Allopathic doctors are beginning to incorporate alternative treatments more and more, combining alternative and traditional medicine into complementary medicine.? Among the alternative treatments employed are a huge range of traditions, not easily summarized.? Some, but not all, rely on natural remedies.? Alternative medicine is an umbrella term referring to any type of healing practice or treatment outside the realm of the traditional Western medicine practiced by conventional doctors. Because it refers to so many different approaches, it is hard to define what it is, beyond being any treatment other than allopathic Western medicine.? However, the varieties of alternative medicine can be divided into several broad categories which are more easily defined.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has classified the varieties of alternative and complementary medicine into five broad categories.? Mind-body medicine refers to any type of approach that focuses on the mind's effect on physical health.? There are a number of alternative approaches that fall under this category, including hypnosis, biofeedback, and meditation. Biologically based practices are another category created by the NCCAM; it refers to any approach that relies on substances found in nature as a prevention or remedy.? This includes herbal remedies, vitamins and supplements, medical uses of marijuana, and many other types of treatments.

Another category of alternative medicine is manipulative and body-based practices.? This refers to any approach that relies upon adjustments or manipulations of the body to address a wide range of symptoms.? Included in this category are chiropractic and osteopathic medicine, as well as massage; generally, these types of approaches are accepted, at least to a point, by most allopathic doctors.? Less understood by traditional doctors is the category of energy medicine.? These treatments believe that illness is caused by disruptions to the body's energy field and seek to heal by remedying the body's energy.? Energy medicine includes such treatments as acupuncture, reiki, and healing touch.

The broadest category of alternative medicine is those labeled whole medical systems. These refer to any type of medicine that has been developed separately from conventional western medicine.? It includes such approaches as traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, and Ayurvedic medicine.

Jesse James Taylor writes about the best Alternative Medicine Remedies at

Alternative Medicine - A Neutral Solution For All

Generally when we fall down with a disease we head our way to a doctor and he at most times recommend a medicine which normally makes us feel better. But there are at times situations when the conventional medicines do not work for us or simply they are unable to heal the problem. At these circumstances many of us decide to go with alternative medicine. This medicine is not a medicine which is prescribed by any physician; rather it is a neutral form of medicine which can be taken at our own will. This medicines are the opposite of evidence based medicines and are often inspired from cultural and social etiquettes which do not possess any genuine scientific base. These medicines as proclaimed by their manufacturers do not impose any side effects to our metabolism and hence are well-liked my most.

As cited by the American National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), naturopathy, chiropractic medicine, herbals, ancient Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, biofeedback, hypnosis, acupuncture, homeopathy, meditation and nutritional based therapies are the ostensible ones counted as alternative medicine. All of these techniques are alternative since they have not been tested as effective in laboratories or their reliability is not guaranteed. Once they are found effective and the researchers give their nod they are no longer alternative and steps up as mainstream medicines. Hence alternative medicine lacks that authentic and unfeigned label which other customary drugs enjoy.

One acrimonious fact about alternative medicine is that they are always subjected to secondary status in comparison with their tested and decorous counterpart. Most people are found to use up mainstream medicine along with alternative medicine; they are noticed to get through with this middle-of-the-road solution. They utilize mainstream medicine for diagnosis purpose while the other is used to neutralize the side effects of the former. Such has been the trend with the users. Even most of the doctors are unaware of the fact that their patents are consuming two types of medicines simultaneously. Studies have shown that in only 38.5% of the cases patients discuss this dual treatment with their medical doctor.

Even though the advancement of medical science has gone so far and apart from two or three almost all diseases are curable with ease, still there are people who spend their money on alternative medicines. Many do this for easy access to medicines as no prescription is required in case of alternative medicines. Reports have shown that the users of this medicine are at a rise even in developed countries. The scenes at Heidi Park in London and New York with people performing yogas are astonishing. May be in a year or two we might see this trend rising much higher.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Alternative Medicine Schools - Making the Grade

Some in the conventional medical community may argue that alternative medicine is pseudoscience; but in all actuality, alternative medicine schools are beginning to enlighten society not only with their comprehensive curriculums, but also with their own scientific research that proves otherwise.

Alternative medicine schools have come of age in the past half century as more consumers are migrating toward non-invasive, natural medicine. Even traditional medical doctors are beginning to integrate alternative and complementary therapies into their patient services, such as massage, acupuncture, and chiropractics, to name a few.

It's not a matter of alternative medicine being better than conventional medicine; it's just that in some cases, alternative medicine schools (through research) have discovered that treating patients as a "whole" and not just the disease, may sometimes be more conducive for healing to occur. While many peoples may have the same disease, ultimately, there are multiple natural medicines that can be applied to meet the independent needs of each one of those individuals. More specifically, the belief that one conventional medicine therapy can treat and/or cure ALL disease is not an absolute truth.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (a division of the National Institutes for Health), in cooperation with a number of alternative medicine schools and complementary medicine schools, has performed extensive clinical trials and research in a variety of alternative therapies and treatments.

Just recently, it was discovered that the integration of complementary or alternative medicine in nursing (with therapies such as acupuncture, herbal supplements and other natural remedies), allowed patients to achieve a higher quality of life.

Furthermore, alternative medicine schools and other interdisciplinary studies have demonstrated, through clinical experiments, that "...evidence now support the idea that deficiencies or imbalance in certain highly unsaturated fatty acids may contribute to a range of common developmental disorders including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." This particular study demonstrated that the addition of ALA-rich nutritional supplementation (flax oil) provides "a significant improvement in the symptoms of ADHD was reflected by reduction in total hyperactivity scores of ADHD children."

As a major contributor to health care, alternative medicine schools also play an integral role in the scientific community, as do most traditional medical colleges, by striving to find curative agents and treatments for common illness, diseases and other disorders.

Aside from lowered health care cost to patients, alternative medicine is also gaining headway with some health insurance providers that offer CAM coverage in certain areas such as chiropractic and acupuncture. Additionally, because quality alternative medicine schools are accredited and provide in-depth curriculums, as well as standard coursework, the professional medical community has taken note of advancements that are being made every day in the natural healing industry.

To learn more about Alternative Medicine Schools and additional learning programs, we invite you to visit our Natural Healing Directory to find more in-depth information and resources.

Reference: PMID: 16314082 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Find Massage Schools and Massage Therapy Schools, as well as Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools and Natural Healing Schools at, your educational resource to locate schools.

Alternative Medicine in Today's Modern World

We live in a busy world, when almost everyone loves to take things within their reach. We live in a world where fast food, remote control, TV, automobiles, gasoline, and electricity are a prerequisite. Modernization has its own conveniences, but it has its own downfalls. It makes us become busy all the time with all the details, so that we don't have the time to study new things. Take, for instance, the practice of medicine nowadays. A patient comes in, and, after examination and history-taking he is being bombarded with a handful of pills to take with illegible prescription handwriting. The same thing happens to the second patient, then the third patient, and so on. Modern medicine is so monotonous that doctors appear too busy to research on alternative ways on how to promote good health and well-being.

Few of us medical practitioners realize the importance of alternative medicine, and how it opens venues for future research and for the formulation of custom protocols for the individual patient. We think of alternative medicine as "quack" treatments, but do we ever pause to study and examine it in detail so that we can learn from it and apply it to our practice?

Alternative medicine has been defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) as a form of healing practice which is "used in place of conventional medicine, such as using a special diet to treat cancer instead of undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy that has been recommended by a conventional doctor." It is different from complementary medicine, which is a healing practice being used together with standard medical care, e.g. using acupuncture to help with side effects of cancer treatment; or, integrative medicine, which "is a total approach to care that involves the patient's mind, body, and spirit and combines standard medical treatments with CAM practices that have shown the most promise". These three concepts are grouped together as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Do Americans use complementary and alternative medicine in their daily lives? Absolutely. The NCCAM has reported in 2007 that in the United States alone, 38 percent of adults (about 1 in 9) and approximately 12 percent of children (about 1 in 9) are using complementary and alternative medicine. It has also been found out that CAM use is greater among women and those with higher levels of education and higher incomes.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is further divided into four major categories: biologically based practices, energy medicine, manipulative and body-based practices. In addition, complementary and alternative medicine involves whole medical systems, in the form of homeopathic medicine, which seeks to stimulate the body's ability to heal itself; traditional Chinese Medicine which uses herbs, meditation, and massage to obtain balance in the body; Ayurveda which originated in India; and Naturopathic Medicine, which supports the body's ability to heal itself through the use of dietary and lifestyle changes together with herbs, massage and joint manipulation.

Naturopathic medicine trusts in the healing power of nature, such that it avoids synthetics drugs, radiation and major surgery. It stresses the importance of preventive medicine, that is, prevention of illnesses through a healthy, stress free lifestyle.

In this world of pollution, garbage, junk food, bacterial and viral gene mutations, the practice of naturopathic medicine among health practitioners is essential. Synthetic drugs are but a part of the traditional medical system which sees patients as a group, not as an individual. Have you ever wondered why, as practicing health care practitioners, some patients seem to get better than the others? This fact has nothing to do with compliance and risk stratification, as many compliant patients and many young, healthy patients die. This only proves the fact that each of us has a unique genetic make-up. Each patient is unique, thus patient care should be individualized and not commercialized for mass consumption. Thus, we should pave the way for revolutionary medicine-medicine which changes as the world changes; medicine which is not stagnant but is adaptable to change, dynamic and patient-oriented.

The latest breakthrough in naturopathic medicine is plant stem cells therapy. Plant stem cells is a form of therapy which used extracts from buds, young shoots and young roots. These plant parts were chosen to be made into extracts because they were believed to be the center of a plant's energy and thus, they are the main source of therapeutic effects. These parts, made into plant stem cells, also differ from the adult plant parts because they are less exposed to toxins and pollution.

Plant stem cells contain biologic energy and the genetic information for future plants. Plant stem cells also have an abundance of precious substances such as growth hormones, including auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, abscisic acid, cytokinins, nucleic acids, minerals, oligoelements, flavonoids, vitamins and enzymes. Plant stem cells contain auxins, which are plant hormones which were discovered by Charles Darwin in 1880. These plant stem cells stimulate cell growth and strengthen the immune system. These plant stem cells also contain Indoleacetic acud which helps regenerate tissues and lessens inflammation.

Plant stem cells also contain gibberellins, which stimulate RNA and protein synthesis. The cytokinins found in plant stem cells protect cells as they go into the process of cell division, thus they show promise in cancer therapy. Abscisic acid, also found in plant stem cells create resistance to stress. Thus it is not surprising that plant stem cells are now being used for athletes, growth problems in children, replacement therapy for aging, adjunct to would healing. Plant stem cell therapy increases exercise endurance, facilitates healing after illnesses and hospitalizations. Plant stem cells reverses skin and body aging, firms muscles, reduces weight and body fat, enhances memory, improves vision, makes skin soft, smooth and firm, reverses osteoporosis due to its osteoblastic action, and improves sleep.

Thus plant stem cells are a revolutionary type of therapy in the field of complementary and alternative medicine. Firstly, it is because plant stem cells, as a form of naturopathic treatment, makes the doctor practice the adage "primum non nocere" (first, do no harm), because this type of therapy is effective yet poses the least risk to humans. Secondly, plant stem cells support the healing power of nature inherent in each human being. Third is that plant stem cells remove the causes of diseases and does not suppress and eliminates the symptoms only, unlike synthetic drugs. Fourthly, plant stem cells make the doctor a teacher and a researcher because it encourages him to assume full responsibility over a patient's health and not delegate it to pharmaceutical companies who do not recognize their patients as individuals but as a pack of people where they could throw their pills at without recognizing their specific individual needs. Fifth, plant stem cells treat the whole person and emphasize the condition of health to promote well-being and prevent diseases for the individual, community and the whole world.

By- Marie Gabrielle Laguna MD

Plant Stem Cells-a medical revolution that will heal the world over. At

Alternative Medicine or Prescription Drugs

Alternative medicine is made up of all natural products, contains no preservatives. There are NO side effects and will not damage your organs like prescription drugs. Yet, people feel that they can trust only prescription drugs... knowingly, there are side effects and will damage organs, cells, and sometimes even the nervous system.

Please check out what the Scientists are saying about Alternative Medicine:

This is defined as therapeutic practices which are not currently considered an integral part of conventional allopathic medical practice. They may lack biomedical explanations but as they become better researched some, such as physical therapy, diet, and acupuncture, become widely accepted whereas others, such as humors or radium therapy, quietly fade away, yet are important historical footnotes. Therapies are termed as Complementary when used in addition to conventional treatments and as Alternative when used instead of conventional treatment.

The National Library of Medicine's previous definition was an unrelated group of non-orthodox therapeutic practices, often with explanatory systems that do not follow conventional biomedical explanations and non-orthodox therapeutic systems which have no satisfactory scientific explanation for their effectiveness.

Alternative therapies include, but are not limited to the following disciplines: folk medicine, herbal medicine, diet fads, homeopathy, faith healing, new age healing, chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy, massage, and music therapy.

A health or medical practice is called "alternative" if it is based on untested, untraditional, or unscientific principles, methods, treatments, or knowledge. "Alternative" medicine is often based upon metaphysical beliefs and is frequently anti-scientific. Because truly "alternative" medical practices would be ones that are known to be equally or nearly equally effective, most "alternative" medical practices are not truly "alternative," but quackery. If the "alternative" health practice is offered along with conventional medicine, it is referred to as "complementary" medicine.

From my own experience, I will tell you this... My mother was being treated for her Diabetes, which it was also effecting her respiratory system. She was put on a prescription drug, which caused her problems and weakened her lungs. At this time, she had other medical issues and the Specialist added more prescription medicines to her list of inventory, for her to take on a daily basis. Educating her self about nutrition and how you can reverse your illnesses by taking "Natural Alternative Medicines."

My mother did not quit her prescription medications, but used the Alternative Medicine as an aid to help her. She took these for fourteen years before she passed away. Anytime she would be entered into the hospital, her Internal Medicine Physician would allow her to take the Alternative Medicine with her prescriptions. Even he stated to me, "With your mother taking the Alternative Medicine it assisted her on a daily basis and I'm sure it extended her life, for the past fourteen years."

American Medical Association and most Insurance Companies do "NOT" support the Alternative or Complementary Medicine. Also, they are working overtime to eliminate the Alternative Industry. Are they intimidated? Is there guilt of them being wrong about the Alternative Medicine? Are people living longer by educating them self, by using the Natural Products? Probably yes on all questions. I hope this information will help give you better understanding and it will also extend your life.

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Alternative Medicine - Complete Medical Systems

Allopathic medicine relegates a complete medical system, modality, therapy or treatment to the alternative medicine list for any one of many reasons. The three main reasons are:

Has not yet been scientifically tested, or due to its nature cannot be tested.

Has been tested and found to be not efficacious and/or even harmful.

Has been tested, found to be effective but is not useful in allopathic medicine.

What Are Complete Medical Systems? Which Ones Are Considered Alternative Medicine?

Complete medical systems are more than just modalities or therapies. A complete medical system is capable of handling all aspects of health issues within reason. Though considered inferior to allopathic medicine, this is usually due to lack of scientific support and/or its basic philosophy. This is not to say that a medical profession outside of allopathic medicine is ineffective or even inferior. Allopathic medicine has had vast quantities of funding enabling its colossal success. Allopathic medicine, itself, is not a perfect system. All of the complete medical systems here are holistic where allopathic medicine is biomedical only. All medical entities outside of allopathic medicine are considered complementary or alternative medicine.

The complete medical systems are:

Native American Healing Practices
Naturopathic Medicine
Tibetan Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Four Most Prominent Complete Medical Systems Discussed

Five of the complete medical systems are rooted in prehistoric ages. Other than legend, nothing is known about their origins. Despite their historic longevity, allopathic medicine considers them alternative medicine. Homeopathy and naturopathy originate in modern times. These complete systems are considered alternative medicine except naturopathic medicine, considered complimentary. All are holistic health systems.

Ayurveda - The Science of Life - An Alternative Medicine

Stretching back 5,000 years back and already quite developed, Ayurveda is truly the Mother of Modern Medicine. Treatment involves extensive focus on the patient's individual needs and considers all aspects of his being, making Ayurveda holistic. Treatment begins with an extensive interview and the resulting therapies aim to bringing the body back into balance and remove toxins. This complete medical system focuses on the prevention of ill-health by clean living and giving the body what it needs according to its type.

Traditional Chinese Medicine - Opposing Forces - An Alternative Medicine

Chinese culture includes the science of opposites - the Yin-Yang and is reflected in its holistic health care. Whilst acupuncture is considered a complete medical system in itself, it is integrated into TCM. This medical system has been in use since the annals of prehistory as well and acupuncture has been known since. For the most part, this complete medical system has remained unchanged for many years.

Homeopathy - An Alternative Medicine

In the late 1700s, allopathic medicine was disorganized and administering treatments more dangerous than the ailments they were supposed to cure or relieve. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physicist became disillusioned with medicine and formulated a more exact medical science using the law of similars. This law involves highly diluted substance formulated to produce like symptoms used to aid the body in healing. This complete medical system still holds a prominent place in the medical world and is holistic. Allopathic medicine has its own law of similars which it adheres to - vaccinations, measles, chicken-pox, flu shots, etc.

Naturopathy - A Complementary Medicine

Truly holistic, naturopathy utilizes a number alternative health modalities under one roof, from Chinese medicine to Yoga. This entity owes its status to employing the use of all these modalities. It even resorts to some procedures from allopathic medicine such as light surgery. Other than this, naturopathy resorts to therapies free of side effects. It focuses on supporting the body's natural healing processes. Some believe naturopathy belongs on the alternative medicine list rather than complementary.

Daniel Euergetes is working hard to helping you rise above mediocrity and reach more satisfactory and more fulfilling planes in living. One of the ways this is done is through education and appropriate resources.

For the health arena, Daniel invites you to check out your alternatives by visiting Here you will find vast resources and answers to your questions about your health options.

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How Orthodox Medicine Contrasts With Alternative Medicine


Orthodox Medicine is provider-dominated with a narrow range of choice; by contrast, Alternative Medicine is a marketplace offering a vast and growing range of choices. But the difference between Alternative and Orthodox Medicine is clear enough;Orthodox Medicine is based upon the scientific study of disease processes (or is working towards this goal), while Alternative medical systems have non-scientific approaches based on spiritual, mystical, or otherwise intuitive insights. But much Orthodox Medicine is not evidence based either.

Orthodox Medicine

Orthodox Medicine seeks to fix or repair, and not to support. Orthodox medical practitioners do an invaluable job within their area of expertise, as do holistic practitioners. Orthodox Medicine is well organized, unbelievably well funded, and has total control over the news media due to the massive amounts of advertising dollars spent by the pharmaceutical industry AKA "Big Pharma".

Orthodox Medicine is provider-dominated with a narrow range of choices; by contrast, Alternative Medicine is a marketplace offering a vast and growing range of choices. Orthodox Medicine resembles a highly restricted but nutritionally-balanced diet; Alternative therapies are like an endless pick-and-mix banquet from which the consumer selects what they fancy, taste it, then decide whether to eat more or try something else. Orthodox Medicine has evolved from its founding principles into a model that is today, based on disease care. Orthodox Medicine treats the body (person) in isolated parts and believes it has the power and knowledge to fix an innate (natural) system by interfering in its normal homeostasis (whole body balance) using powerful man-made chemicals. Orthodox Medicine has never been a model about health.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine, on the other hand, is very poorly organized, equally poorly funded, disjointed, and severely persecuted by Orthodox Medicine. Alternative practitioners may learn homeopathy, herbalism, kinesiology, electrodiagnosis, chiropractics, osteopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, body works, iridology, cymatics, gem therapy, electro-magnettherapy, colour therapy, nutritional therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, stress release,counselling etc. Alternative Medicine fits very well with some of the dominant attributes of modern society because it is characterized by continual generation of choice and depends upon the mass media for dissemination of information.


Since the goal of Orthodox Medicine is simply to remove symptoms of disease rather than attain a condition of optimum health, the elimination of symptoms becomes an end in itself rather than a means of identifying and correcting the underlying cause of disease. The direction in which Orthodox Medicine is progressing is abundantly clear. Firstly,if Orthodox Medicine is to begin to accept responsibility for treatment of lifestyle diseases then it must cease its interventionist approach and utilise the traditional caring and supportive approach of holistic medicine.

While Orthodox Medicine is clearly superior to holistic medicine for the treatment of serious trauma and acute or life threatening diseases, holistic medicine, with its fundamentally supportive nature and its ability to embrace the importance of nutrition, is much more effective when it comes to promoting healing and preventing further illness in the future. It is in this area particularly where accurate diagnosis and a high level of co-operation between Alternative Medicine and Orthodox medicine is highly desirable.

Submitted by Richard H. Ealom Author of this article and the creator of "Free Articles On Diseases: How To Prevent and Cure Them" website. 93 Disease specific websites with extensive information on Alternative and Orthodox methods and products to increase your understanding of treatment and curing diseases. Please visit

Allopathic Medicine - Its Pros & Cons and a Comparison With Alternative Medicine

Known by several different designations such as "Western modern medicine," "Conventional Medicine" and allopathic medicine," these all refer to the scientific, evidence-based and highly technical body of medical knowledge in Western and European nations. Alternative medicine, from the standpoint of allopathic medicine, is everything else not considered by the American Medical Association to be of little or no use. Both have strengths and weaknesses and in many cases, complement each other despite differences in philosophy, culture and objectives.

The Pros of Allopathic Medicine, the Weaknesses of Alternative Medicine

The strength of allopathic medicine comes in this knowledge and that the modalities, therapies and procedures, recognized as efficacious, have been subjected to strict scientific testing and experimentation. This lends to the highly predictable results found in the treatment and advanced knowledge-base of biological processes - an area which is stressed far less in alternative medicine.

The unprecedented scientific knowledge and the rigid testing of the procedures used, the medical system certainly cannot be beat. For this reason, the allopathic physician is regarded the authority in health care. He has been through extensive training through years of medical school and is under strict guidelines from which he is not allowed to deviate. Alternative medicine tends to be far more individually methodical.

When it comes to emergency situations, especially those which would be otherwise fatal, allopathic medicine, again, holds the highest awards for excellence. No doubt there is not a single modality in alternative medicine that can come close to the effectiveness and life-saving attributes of Western conventional medicine. Those having experienced severe, life-threatening accidents, illnesses and diseases couldn't be found in better hands.

The Cons of Allopathic Medicine - the Strengths of Alternative Medicine

Unlike many of the modalities found in alternative medicines, allopathic medicine comes in several areas. First and foremost, it is a profitable industry, where most of the modalities in alternative medicine tend to be non-profit in nature. The for-profit model has major drawbacks in that the system thrives on illness and disease without which there would be no business. The details here would warrant the writing of a book, let alone an article.

Treatment and therapies, though quite effective, are highly specialized, standardized and departmentalized. It tends to be impersonal, with little or no contact between the patient and the physician outside of the ailment itself. The patient here receives the treatment which he has little say other than to consent to it or not. Little to no explanation outside of patient instructions are given and the patient takes the physician's word on faith, in most cases.

In alternative medicine, treatment is far more individualized, less standardized and the patient participates in his treatment, making it far more personal.

Allopathic medicine, due to both the profit factor and extremely high operating costs, tends to be very expensive, leaving low-income patients with inferior care. Allopathic medicine concerns itself with symptomatic treatment rather than causal, giving rise to another huge empire - the pharmaceutical industry, which is also a for-profit business. Similar to the average Western grocery store which sells more foodstuffs that are generally not the best for health, our pharmacies are jam-packed with medications aimed at relieving symptoms rather than curing the ailment on the level of its cause.

Allopathic medicine (for which this term accurately depicts as being concerned with symptoms rather than causes,) the medical giant has also been deemed a "sick-care" system due to observations noted above. Allopathic medicine generally lacks in areas many modalities in alternative medicine tends to cover, chiefly in the prevention of ill-health and that they are far more concerned with the causes of ailments, less on the treatment for symptoms and that many of the modalities in alternative medicine considers the whole being and not just the biological, making them far more holistic than allopathic medicine.

Daniel Euergetes is working hard to helping you rise above mediocrity and reach more satisfactory and more fulfilling planes in living. One of the ways this is done is through education and appropriate resources.

For the health arena, Daniel invites you to check out your alternatives by visiting Here you will find vast resources and answers to your questions about your health options.

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