Modern medicine continues to get more and more complicated by the day, and this is resulting in a growing interest in the effective, simpler medical practices of the past. Herbs, massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy - all of these fall under the umbrella of alternative medicine. Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of misinformation and groundless fears about alternative treatments, as well as a lack of regulations in comparison to modern medicine. The not for profit Alternative Medicine Foundation seeks to provide fact-based information for those interested in learning more about alternative medicine treatments. This foundation does not intend to replace modern medicine with alternative treatments - they are hoping to combine the best of both practices.
A Brief History Lesson
The Alternative Medicine Foundation was founded in 1998 in Bethesda, Maryland. It began as a response to the growing demand for gentler and safer treatments than were being provided by modern medicine. They hope to educate the public about alternative treatments, and they also seek to educate the western medical field as well.
Traditional medicine is a big business these days, and as such they don't always appreciate competition. As Westerners have demanded more access to alternative treatments, insurance companies have responded by agreeing to cover some procedures, including hypnotherapy and acupuncture. Check with your health insurance company to see which, if any, alternative treatments are covered.
The Alternative Medicine Foundation also publishes The Townsend Letter, which is a journal about - you guessed it - different alternative treatments. Contributors to the journal include scientists, doctors, and those who are active participants in this particular field. It does not seek to push their therapies on anyone, simply to suggest those that may benefit from certain these treatments.
Best of All - It's Free!
The Alternative Medicine Foundation provides numerous services, including talks, classes, and a magazine about alternative treatments. It also manages a free website with useful information. They also publish a number of free or low cost books that are available through
Some topics covered include Tibetan Traditional Medicine, Ayurveda practices, and topics devoted to specific illnesses like cancer and autism.
Information about something as important as healthcare should be readily available to everyone, especially in this day and age of technology. That is the main goal of The Alternative Medicine Foundation.
Need more information about Alternative Medicine Foundation? Then head over to The Herbal Community. It is a fast growing social networking site strictly devoted to herbal remedies, holistic healing and anything to do that is natural and healthy. It's completely free to use and anyone can join!
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